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Dr. Georg Jaeger

Georg had been partner of SZA till March 31, 2022; Dr. Jaeger is now acting as Of-Counsel for SZA.

Georg represents national and international firms in restructuring-projects. This includes legal advice from the planning of the restructuring measures till the negotiations with the works councils for the settlement of interest and the social plan.
Another main field of the practice of Georg is the legal advice of supervisory boards and managers (Vorstände/Geschäftsführer) to all subjects of service-contracts, especially remuneration and bonus-schemes, participation-programs (stock-option-schemes), change-of-control-agreements and the negotiations in case of termination of the service-contracts.


  • Commentary on the Employment Relationship of the GmbH Managing Director, in: Munich Commentary on GmbHG, Volume 2, 4. ed. 2022
  • The Employment Contract of the GmbH Managing Director In the series: “Beck’sche Example Contracts with Contract Examples and Comments”
  • Publisher and author of the “Practice Manual on Industrial Constitution Law”
  • “The problem of inclusion of “good-leaver”-clauses in the variable remuneration of managers” in: Commemorative Publication for Martin Winter 2011, p. 313 et seqq.
  • „Legal consequences from a contractually application of the statutory protection against unfair dismissal for executive directors”, in: DStR 2010, p. 2312 et seqq.
  • “The Effects of the VorstAG on the Practice of Termination Agreements”, in NZA 2010, p. 128 et seqq.
  • „The Problems of Age Limits for Members of the Management Board with Regard to the AGG”, in: Commemorative Publication for Jobst Hubertus Bauer 2010, p. 495 et seqq.
  • „Possibilities and Limitations of the Applicability of Sec. 1 Para. 5 KSchG”, in: Commemorative Publication of the Working Group Labor Law of DAV 2005, p. 899
  • „The Duty to Inform According to Sec. 613a Para. 5 BGB in the Practice of Business Takeovers”, in: ZIP 2004, p. 433

Education & Engagement

  • Promotion (Dr. iur. 1982) University Fribourg
  • since 1987 Legal expert in employment law


  • Albert-Ludwigs-University, Fribourg
  • German

Professional recognitions


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