Hellmann hires 1

Hans-Joachim Hellmann, LL.M.

Hans-Joachim advises German and international undertakings on German and European Competition law. Notably he defends our clients in national and European cartel cases and in cartel damage claim litigations.

Hans-Joachim is partner in the competition practice of SZA. He advises German and international undertakings on German and European Competition Law. One of his main focuses is the defense of clients in national and European cartel investigations before the competition authorities and in respective court proceedings. Hans-Joachim has broad experience and expertise in defending companies against follow-on damage claims before German courts in all instances. Based on this broad experience and expertise he advices in all aspects of strategical decisions in Competition Law. Hans-Joachim also structures and conducts all kind of antitrust compliance programs.

25 Top Firms for Antitrust Law

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Work highlights

  • Representation of German and international undertakings before the European Commission, the Court of Frist Instance ("General Court") and the European Court of Justice, inter alia in the cartel proceedings cartonboard, PVC, district heating, carbonless paper, newsprint paper, vitamins, industrial bags, bathroom fittings, freight forwarding, door and window fixtures and wire harnesses
  • Representation of German and international undertakings before the German Federal Cartel Office and the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf, inter alia in the carte proceedings industrial insurances, furniture transport, decor paper, drugstore items, mortar, chemical trade, chip- and fiberboard, sausages, beer, sweets/confectionary, railway track cartel and pesticides
  • Advice and representation of Vossloh-Group in damage claim litigations concerning railway tracks and switches
  • Advice and representation of Haribo against damage claims of drugstores in the confectionary product segment
  • Defending Tapetenfabrik Gebr. Rasch and Hansa Armaturen GmbH in damage claim proceedings in the aftermath of the wallpaper and bathroom fittings cartels
  • Representation of Nike in antitrust litigation matters before German courts in different instances


  • "Geldbußenermittlung nach Unternehmensübernahmen", NZKart 2024, 433 ff. (with Fabian Ast)
  • Chambers Global Practice Guide "Cartels" 2023, Germany (with Dr. Christina Malz and Sebastian Gröss)
  • "Grenzen der Schätzbefugnis nach § 287 ZPO im Angesicht ökonomischer Erfahrungssätze", (with Dr. Philipp Schliffke, HE | Hamburg Economics), WuW 2022, 83 ff.
  • "Faktische Bindungswirkungen von Bußgeldentscheidungen nach § 33b GWB", FS Wiedemann 2020, 687 ff.
  • Wiedemann, »Handbuch des Kartellrechts«, 4. Auflage 2020 (Co-Autor)
  • "Die Zentralvermarktung der Bundesliga und gebietsabhängige Exklusivitätslizenzen in Verwertungsverträgen mit Rechteerwerbern", SpuRt 2018, 10 ff. (with Gökhan Cetintas)
  • "Discovery Light – Informations- und Beweismittelbeschaffung im Rahmen von Kartellschadensersatzklagen", NZKart 2017, 164 ff. (with Dr. Ben Steinbrück)
  • »Frankfurter Kommentar zum Kartellrecht« (Co-Autor)
  • »Frankfurter Kommentar zum EU-Kartellrecht« (Co-Autor)
  • »Kartellrechtliche Grundsätze der zentralen Vermarktung von Sportveranstaltungen", EuZW 2006, 359 ff.
  • »Der Europäische Gerichtshof billigt die Bußgeldpraxis der Kommission«, EWS 2005, 439 ff.
  • »Das neue Verweisungsregime in Art. 4 FKVO aus Sicht der Praxis«, EWS 2004, 289 ff.
  • »Die neuen Anmeldevorschriften der FKVO und ihre Bedeutung für Unternehmenszusammenschlüsse«, ZIP 2004, 1387 ff.
  • »Vereinbarkeit der Leitlinien der Kommission zur Berechnung von Bußgeldern mit höherrangigem Gemeinschaftsrecht«, WuW 2002, 944 ff.
  • »Die Bonusregelung des BKartA im Lichte der Kommissionspraxis zur Kronzeugenmitteilung«, EuZW 2000, 741 ff.
  • »Die neue Bußgeldpraxis der Kommission«, WuW 1999, 333 ff.

Education & Engagement

  • Member of the Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht


  • Studies at the Universities of Erlangen/Nuremberg and Cologne
  • Legal internship (Referendarzeit) at the Higher Regional Court Düsseldorf
  • LL.M.-studies at the University of Miami
  • Languages: German, English, French

Professional recognitions

Chambers Global 2023 Hans-Joachim Hellmann
Hellmann hires 1

Hans-Joachim Hellmann,


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